Empower your team to work more cohesively as a unit. Manage the entire sales process within a single platform. Your team will be amazed at how easy it is to manage an entire dealership from one screen.
Your prospects should feel like family from the day they submit an application. Include them in the process by showing updates in real time, and allowing them to update their profile on their own.
Whether you manage one dealership, or you’re an ever-expanding enterprise, have all the information you need in one platform. Dabadu's intuitive dashboards and interfaces display the information you want to see. You'll never get lost in unnecessary details again.
Never forget an important detail when engaging with your customers. Lead details pages, notes and integrated communication tools make reaching and connecting with customers easier than ever before.
Lead Management
Easily manage all your lead-related tasks with the click of a button.Distribute leads directly to the desired sales person. Request lead refunds from the comfort of your desk chair.
Unlimited Real-Time
Instantly track and record customer communications through the application.
Inventory Management
Review your entire inventory in real-time and filter based on customer requirements.
DMS Integrations
Connect to your existing DMS to see your real inventory details in real-time.
Lender Management
Dabadu brings Lenders and Dealers to the same table, giving dealers an option to directly submit the credit app to lenders and for lenders to respond back in real-time - making it a truly digital experience.
Warranty Management
Click once to choose a provider, a warranty package and a term - and it’s done. You now have a warranty contract drafted and ready to send off to the customer with their newly purchased vehicle.
Document Management
Create virtual dockets with ease. Dabadu's Document Management system offers users safe and secure automatic document generation. Don't worry about dotting i's and crossing t's - Dabadu's got you owl covered.
Business Intelligence
Let Dabadu Enhance
your Business
Dabadu eases the everyday annoyances and can answer all your questions about your business in real time.
Dabadu has the ability to showcase you your own customers as prime opportunities for renewed business.